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Tuesday 10 June 2014

Himachal Pradesh tragedy: Pawan Fan turns HERO!

M Kiran Kumar who is one among the 48-students of VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology to have gone for this study tour saved as many as four of his co-students before getting swept away by the strong currents of Beas river at Mandi district in Himachal Pradesh. 

Soon after the water level started to rise, Kiran Kumar sensed trouble and guided his friends towards the safe area. By the time his friends reached the dry land and turned around to look for him, He was struggling to get out of water and finally got washed away.

Kiran Kumar's father Venkataramana who's eyes were moist and appeared shaken at Shamshabad airport is still hopeful that his son would have reached a safe place as he knew how to swim.

Just like any youngster of his age, Kiran Kumar is ardent movie buff and Pawan Kalyan is his all time favorite. Wish God shows some mercy on this brave heart!


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