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Saturday 28 June 2014

Can Sonia convince KCR?

The plight of Telangana Congress leaders, the less said the better. Even after granting Telangana they couldn’t manage to win the confidence of people. Now even after loss, they are in no mood to bury their differences. And at the same time Congress leadership in Delhi is unable to act as per cadre feedback. 
Even after knowing that Ponnala Lakshmaiah as PCC chief is not working out, Sonia decided to continue him. This has resulted in the exodus of even senior Congress leaders like Amos, who were upset about it, into TRS. 
Now with TRS merger in Congress becoming history, Congress is only hoping T-Congress doesn’t merge with TRS. As part of this, D Srinivas reportedly lifted his hands off and said he will take TRS attitude to Sonia’s notice regarding operation Aakarsha. Well, given her status as ‘Devatha’ can Sonia ask KCR to stop ruining her party!


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