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Wednesday 25 June 2014

Heroines should play games to survive here

Bollywood is full of games and plans, I stepped in a wrong time in industry and also I failed to attract attention of big stars which is a big game played by present heroines in industry said Aditi rao in her recent interview. Aditi rao after exposing badly in her recent films Aditi rao is happy to be a part of big ventures in her pocket. 
"“It’s all falling in place. I am happy that I have own place now. I want to be known as an actress who is irreplaceable. What is mine must only be mine,” said Aditi, who will be seen in distinctive roles in “Guddu Rangeela” and “The Legend Of Michael Mishra”. So far I’ve had no bad experiences. But yes, it hasn’t been an easy journey for me. I didn’t know how to play the game. I wish I had people to tell me what to do, how to look for the right roles. In the absence of a support system I just did whatever I thought right.
“Not that anyone takes advantage of you. I firmly believe the way one is treated depends on one’s conduct and intentions. Of course, men will look at you in a certain way if you are single and attractive. I believe most men behave strangely with women when their wives and girlfriends are not watching,” she added.


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