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Friday 13 June 2014

KCR wants Vaasthu adjustment on roads also!

The obsession of new CM’s of AP and Telangana, Chandrababu and KCR with Vaasthu seems to be getting onto the nerves of officials in the state governments, particularly those who are located in Hyderabad. 
Crores of Rupees are being spent for last few weeks to make adjustments for their new camp office, secretariats that are now separate and other stuff but KCR seems to have gone one step ahead. 
Sources say that KCR has brought Vaasthu experts to check the condition of roads leading to secretariat, his camp office and his chamber and has requested officials to alter some curves and bends on roads to suit Vaasthu. 
Officials are not knowing what to do because this, according to them is way beyond what they can do and are confused as to how they can deal with the Vaasthu mania of these big leaders and now it is upto roads also!


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