Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie reveals that her happiness lies in her charity work and she also admits that she is beautiful at this age because of being happy to donate or help others in need. Angelina is already founding many children for higher studies and she also adopted 30+ children and feeding them.
She said "I’d been through a period where I was more concerned with my own problems and pain. Then I traveled to places where there were landmine victims, I went to my first war zone, to places where you see people in real need." "You meet people who don’t even know where their parents are, or their children, and they haven’t got enough food.
And you wake up in a moment, you realise how fortunate you are that your concerns are nothing in comparison. You don’t worry about yourself, you worry about other people and you just grow up. It helped me get out of my own head. And it’s a happier life. To be of service to others creates a happier life,” she said.
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