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Sunday 4 May 2014

Caught on cam:Jagan cashing Shoba’s death!!

Total AP has deeply mourned the death of Party MLA Sobha Nagi Reddy (46) who died in a hospital while undergoing treatment for multiple injuries.The incident shocked many people irrespective of the parties and many expressed their grief to the family.  

Here is the one photo that circulating on social media which explains how hard jagan trying to convert the sympathy of Shoba death to the votes for his party.Jagan opposite media sharing this on social networking sites and showing it as instance of beleaguered Jagan’s instinct.  

While standing beside Shoba’s dead body Jagan requesting voters in his own style which looks as inconvincible. Though it may not intentional the way Jagan appears is quite odd and it turned as good weapon for his opponents.


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