It seems that actress Anuskha Shetty is too much keyed into Kollywood than Tollywood these days as she is unable to allot 20 days for her much-hyped film "Rudhramadevi" and has put director Gunasekhar in a fix. She was supposed to rejoin Rudhramadevi unit, but she is stuck with her Tamil film with Ajith, since she didn't want to annoy Tamil superstar and is keeping top Telugu director in waiting.
Even though Anushka is aware that her author-backed role in historical Rudhramadevi could give a fillip to her sagging T-town career, but the Mirchi actress is tied up in neighbouring state, say sources. Although, its normal for top multi-lingual actresses to get caught in 'date issues' but they should get their priorities right. So, it is high time Anuskha makes her choice and announce which language she would like to settle down, albeit toughest call of her acting career.
Even though Anushka is aware that her author-backed role in historical Rudhramadevi could give a fillip to her sagging T-town career, but the Mirchi actress is tied up in neighbouring state, say sources. Although, its normal for top multi-lingual actresses to get caught in 'date issues' but they should get their priorities right. So, it is high time Anuskha makes her choice and announce which language she would like to settle down, albeit toughest call of her acting career.
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