Former DGP Dinesh Reddy expressed confident over his victory from the Malkajgiri Lok Sabha constituency on YSR Congress ticket. Claiming to be having a clean track record as Police Boss, He feels people's faith on YS Jagan's leadership, YSR's welfare & development schemes and being the best among the candidates contesting from Malkajgiri would work in his favor.
Dinesh Reddy asserts Solving the drinking water issues, Arranging a Toll Free number to be at the service of people 24/7 and Development in all the sectors will be his priority if elected as MP of Country's biggest constituency (Over 30 lakh voters).
Political Analysts say, Dinesh Reddy is in race for only 4th or 5th place in Malkajgiri Lok Sabha segment. Lok Satta chief Jayaprakash Narayan, Sitting Congress MP Sarve Satyanarayana and TDP candidate Malla Reddy are the front runners to be the next Malkajgiri MP.
Dinesh Reddy asserts Solving the drinking water issues, Arranging a Toll Free number to be at the service of people 24/7 and Development in all the sectors will be his priority if elected as MP of Country's biggest constituency (Over 30 lakh voters).
Political Analysts say, Dinesh Reddy is in race for only 4th or 5th place in Malkajgiri Lok Sabha segment. Lok Satta chief Jayaprakash Narayan, Sitting Congress MP Sarve Satyanarayana and TDP candidate Malla Reddy are the front runners to be the next Malkajgiri MP.
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