Nizamabad district court has ordered local police to file case against Pawan Kalyan who made vilest, personal comments on KCR during his election campaign at Torur, Warangal. One advocate Ravi Kumar from Nizamabad has filed petition in the court. Acting on it, court directed Dichipalli police to file the case and submit report by June 11.
It may be recalled that angry Pawan Kalyan said, "KCR must stop talking ill of Modi. I don't mind he talk ill of me. I'm used to it. If he talks ill of to-be India's first B.C Prime Minister, I won't let him do. I shall peel his skin if KCR talks ill of Narendra Modi."
Later, KCR too harshly reacted and said Pawan will be butchered into 1000 pieces at snap of finger. Let's see how Pawan reacts on the whole episode.
It may be recalled that angry Pawan Kalyan said, "KCR must stop talking ill of Modi. I don't mind he talk ill of me. I'm used to it. If he talks ill of to-be India's first B.C Prime Minister, I won't let him do. I shall peel his skin if KCR talks ill of Narendra Modi."
Later, KCR too harshly reacted and said Pawan will be butchered into 1000 pieces at snap of finger. Let's see how Pawan reacts on the whole episode.
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