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Wednesday 14 May 2014

Will Rajini refund money again?

Even though few Telugu distributors are reluctant to take up the film 'Vikramasimha' till but producer Subramanyam who minted huge money in Hollywood dubbed movies, is not worried since superstar and producer Rajini would compensate for losses if any. 

He is only producer and star to refund the losses incurred by Telugu producers, who invested in 'Baba' and set a new precedent in T-town. Usually, Tollywood distributors who suffer losses in star studded Telugu films, can never reach the particular star or producer to request for refund, but Rajni is a different person. 

Surely, Rajni would be arranging big sums prior-to-release of Vikramasimha, since if something goes wrong, he knows that distributors will tap his door and seek refund of losses and Subramanyam would be one of those 'seekers' since he has put in more than 20 crores keeping hopes on this 3-animated avatars. Is Rajni is same person or changed over the years, we have to wait and see. 


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