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Saturday 10 May 2014

The Unknown story behind Jagan-KCR's friendship

TRS chief and Telangana 'crusader' K. Chandrasekhar Rao's latest prediction about Jagan Reddy going to be the first CM of Seemandhra has set tongues wagging in both Telangana as well as Seemandhra. KCR publicly endorsing Jagan is no big surprise as it has a strong basis. Here is how KCR and Jagan became friends? We're bringing you that unknown story behind 'friendship', 'nexus' between two divergent poles.

KCR-Jagan's friendship dates back to October-November 2009 soon after the death of late CM YS Rajasekhar Reddy. Post his accidental death, things have swiftly changed in Congress and Andhra Pradesh. With Congress bluntly turning down Jagan's plea to be CM, Jagan Reddy turned defiant and went on to do Odarpu Yatra. This naturally drew flak from congress top brass amid reports that he is going to float his own party.

In between, Jagan's enormous links in Obulapuram Mining Corporation, Emaar Scam, land deals in Brahmini steal, Krishnapatnam Port Company Ltd (KPCL) and Vanpic have been vastly exposed in media and came out wide in public. CBI has filed chargesheets against him on having disproportionate assets and indulging in quid-pro-quo deals by using his father's chair when he was in power. Jagan's instant-wealth gain has shocked whole country and a kind of rags-to-riches story. After strong-substantial evidence, he was put in jail for 16-odd months.

According to grapevine, Jagan Reddy reportedly fuelled Telangana movement in November 2009 by compelling KCR to sit up on a fast-unto-death in order to subside his corruption scandals and shift the media focus, public glare from his alleged illegal activities to Telangana movement. Rumour mongers have it that Jagan himself sponsored KCR's fast-unto-death movement. Happy KCR did it for his political milegae and when things got overboard and out of hands, he drank fruit juice in hospital and stated called off his fast. KCR had to face the severe wrath OU students, Telangana leaders for withdrawing his fast-unto-death. Fazed by this, KCR did big volte face. On the same day (November 30, 2009), KCR retracted his statement and put blame on police for drinking fruit-juice.

Post these events, with surging popularity for T-movement, KCR didn't heed Jagan's request to stop the movement but continued it as the movement was taken over by T-students, T JAC but not actually in the hands of TRS party. Also buzz has it that Jagan and KCR have been in constant touch. Now that T-state is a reality and elections are done, KCR and Jagan have publicly revealed one's love for other. That's the big story doing rounds on streets for a while. Hence, although it is KCR who is the crusader, face of T-movement, the gossip is that Jagan is the main person behind T-movement. That's what prompted Pawan Kalyan to often target KCR and Jagan. Now that KCR openly endorsing Rahul Gandh's PM candidature, it is not surprise if Jagan to follow the suit and Jagan's solo condition would be to get rid of all the cases. What a politics!? People, media are mute spectators.


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