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Monday 12 May 2014

Namrata trashes rumors about her involvement in Mahesh films

As we said that Namrata is happy with Mahesh and she is loving to be stayed at home with kids, but she is not loving the rumors that are happening around her and speaks about it in same interview.   

When asked about her role in Mahesh selections "I am very proud of Mahesh's success and where he has reached today, because he's done it all on his own. He had his dad's backing initially, but beyond a point, he's been on his own. He says, let my choices be mine, so good or bad, it's my choice. I admire the way he's handled himself at home and outside. And my only contribution to all this would be the balance I have tried to provide in his life. I don't physically sit at a studio to decide his look, or go to his dress trials. When everything is put together, I might make a suggestion or two."   

"People think I am involved in everything Mahesh does, only because he is not so accessible. He is a shy person, he doesn't carry his phone to the sets. So, those who want to reach him, end up speaking to me. But how he's shaped his career, the choices he's made, are all his own. 

But his endorsements are something I'm actively involved in. What's wrong with that? It was our mutual decision and we took a conscious step to build his brand as a national brand. I worked towards it and set the ball rolling, and it worked out well."


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