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Sunday 11 May 2014

Namrata calls Mahesh as ‘Unromantic’

While heroes run after heroines in films, it is reverse for our super star Mahesh Babu. The Superstar is unromantic in real life too.At least if the words from his better half to be believed. Namrata explains, “Mahesh is totally unromantic. But then, he will suddenly say what he feels about something little I do, and I'll be like 'how sweet!'.   

On the occasion of mother’s day today, wife of Superstar Mahesh Babu Namrata shared some personal moments and details about her life and family so on. Namrata says Mahesh Babu is best actor in Tollywood and has no competition .There is no competition with him with anyone else and also confirmed that she never watches anyone else’s film’s besides Mahesh’s.    

She admits, “I am an unabashed Mahesh Babu fan. I don't think there is anyone in today's industry that is more talented or better than him.In fact, I watch only Mahesh Babu films.Mahesh has no competition. He is way, way ahead of his peers. Even when I married him, I thought he was the best, even though there may have been better ranked stars back then.”   

Namrata makes it clear she had no role in any of the film assignments of her husband but accepts the fact that she is behind the rise of Superstar as a leading Brand Ambassador down South. Formerly a Miss India and currently wife of two kids, Gautam and Sitara, she says that she would take motherhood over anything else at any point of time in her life so far. The former actress reveals watching her son Gautham on screen in '1 - Nenokkadine' was one of the most memorable moments of her life.


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